Dark Sorcery

Just before entering the cave, you pause to take one last look around. It might be the last time you'd see that yellowish green haze of filtered sunlight you've grown accustomed to. Remembering the wise words of Master Yoda, "Fear... leads to Anger, Anger leads to the Dark Side!", you shake off any hints of nervousness and tip toe your way into the cave, lightsaber in hand, of course.

The treacherous moss covered ground forces you to conjure up your Jedi balancing skills and you notice for the first time, that your powers were weakened. Instead of being able to draw the life force from the surrounding environment, the cave seemed to feed on *your* life force and though it made you concentrate more on walking carefully, you continued into the cave, almost certain that you'd eventually find some ancient artifact that would make you the most powerful Jedi the galaxy has ever faced!

Slashing wildly through the thin spiderwebs gave you a certain sense of power. Though a lightsaber could just as easily cut through ferrocrete or transparisteel beams, like a hot knife through *melted* butter, the satisfaction of seeing the old spiderwebs desintegrate even before touching your lightsaber, inspired in you, your true warrior-instincts.

Just as another strand of spiderweb was being totally obliterated by the energy emminating from your lightsaber, a cold gust coming from *inside* the cave blew past. Shielding your eyes from the flying debris, you march on.