You're No match for ME!

With a low hum, your lightsaber flickered on. The barbarian who introduced himself as Conan didn't seem surprised or startled. In fact, he didn't seem to have noticed it at all. He just kept on talking about how he needed to defeat Rath-a-mon and save his parents. Which is why he didn't even get the chance to scream in pain when you plunged the entire length of your lightsaber in his back.

Like the Jedi turned evil that you are, you begin looting his corpse. You tried to steal his sword but found it too heavy to wield. His mighty shield could not be dislodged under the bulk of his weight. The only thing you got from him was his bone necklace which at first you found mildly interesting but didn't want it now, after all.

Your job here being done, you decide to see if there were more things you could steal at the pyramid.