Lightsaber, BE MY STRENGTH!

Your JediKnight skills guaranteed your safety and boldly you walked towards the bushes, guided by your curiousity. You begin to feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins as you carefully slice your way past the bushes, right into a TRAP!

Almost automatically, you swing your lightsaber into a wide arc, shredding the net as it fell uselessly upon you. Drawing upon the lifeforce of the jungle, your Jedi senses revealed an omnious Dark Force nearby. It was as if a Dark JediKnight had lived here for a long time and his evilness lingered on, like a ghost searching for its lost soul.

Up ahead, there's a trail leading towards a cave. Your senses tell you that the source of the evilness in this desolate place originate from somewhere inside. Taking one quick glance around before going into the cave, you also notice an almost invisible column of smoke further in the distance.